Weather forecast -Weather live

by Ip Industry Ltd


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weather forecast App , your personal life assistant; provide accurate real-time weather, hourly forecast, daily forecast all the weather forecast information..Weather Forecast Features :Real-time Local Weather ForecastHourly Temperature, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, weather condition, humidity, UV Index, visibility distance unites, dew point, elevation and cloud cover condition. Also it contains Radar Map that offering you to check the local weather condition information easily. Thoughtful data like sunrise time, sunset time are also offered for you.Weather forecast for the next 24 hours:Hourly temperature, Feels like, weather phase, humidity, UV index, visibility, dew point, rain snow ice probability, wind direction speed gust, Cloud Cover. 24-hour Weather Forecast ,View anytime, anywhere . Hourly weather, know as soon as you slip.Weather forecast for the next days:Provide daily temperature, weather phase, humidity, UV index, rain snow icing probability, lightning probability, wind direction/speed/ sunrise sunset time. Forecast long-term weather, happy plan, happy play.Rain probability in the next daysThe bar graph displays the trend of rain probability.Other weather informationDew point, Visibility, UV Index.# Sunrise and sunsetBeautiful sunrise and sunset animation effects and moon phase information. Weather information unit and format settingTemperature: C, FPrecipitation: mm, in, cmVisibility: mile, m, kmWind speed: mp/h, km/h, mi/h, m/sPressure: bar, hPa, atm, mmHgHour format: 12 hour, 24 hourDate format: yyyy/mm/dd(2021/01/29), mm/dd/yyyy(29/01/2021), dd/mm/yyyy(01/29/2021)